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Munessa Forest - Publications & References

Publications & References

References A-F

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Feyera S, Beck E, Lüttge U (2002) Exotic trees as nurse-trees for the generation of a natural tropical forest. Trees 16: 245-249
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Feyera S, Demel T. 2001. Regeneration of indigenous woody species in the canopies of tree plantations in central Ethiopia. Tropical Ecology 42: 175-185.
Feyera S, Demel T. 2002a. Soil seed banks in plantations and adjacent dry Afromontane forests of central and southern Ethiopia. Tropical Ecology 43: 229-242.
Feyera S, Demel T. 2002b. The potential of tree plantations to foster regeneration of indigenous woody species in degraded lands of Ethiopia. In Demel T. & Yonas Y. eds. "Forests and Environment", Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of Forestry Society of Ethiopia, 14-15 January 2002. Forestry Society of Ethiopia, Addis Abeba. pp. 51-58.
Feyera, S. 1998. Native woody species regeneration under the canopies of treee plantations at Munessa-Shashamene forest project area, southern Oromia. M.Sc Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm.
Fichtl R & Admasu A (1994) Honeybee Flora of Ethiopia - Weikersheim
Finlay, R.D., Ek, H., Odham, G., Soederstroem, B. 1990. Mycelial uptake, translocation  and assimilation of 15N-labeled nitrogen by ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris plants. Agric. Ecosyst. Envir. 28, 133-137.
Finlay, R.D., Söderström, B. 1992. Mycorrhiza and carbon flow to the soil. In: Allen, M (ed.): Mycorrhiza Functioning. Chapman and Hall. London, UK, pp. 134-160.
Fölster, H. and Ruhiyat, D. 1991: Die Entwicklung der Nährstoffvorräte in Holzplantagen nach Kahlschlag des Regenwaldes. In: Zech, W. (Hrsg.): Symposium Mineralstoffversorgung tropischer Waldbäume. Bayreuther Bodenkundliche Berichte 21, 63-77.
Forman R T T (1997) Land Mosaics. The ecology of landscapes and regions - Cambridge
Francis, R., Read, D.J. 1995. Mutualism and anatagonism in the mycorrhizal symbiosis, with special reference to impacts on plant community structure. Can. J. Bot. 73,1301-1309.
Friis I (1986): Forests & Forest Trees of Northeast Tropical Africa. Their natural habitats and distribution patterns in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. – Kew Bull Add. Series 15, I-IV, 1 –136
Friis, I. (1986). Ethiopia in regional phytogeography. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 26: 68-85.
Fritzsche, F. 1999. Charakterisierung zweier Böden unter Wald und Acker in SW-Äthiopien: Tiefenfunktionen von C, N und stabilen C-Isotopen in Feinerde und Texturfraktionen. Diploma  Thesis  at the Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography of the Bayreuth University. 84 pp..
Furley P A (1993) Tropical moist forests: Transformation or conservation – in: Roberts N (Hrsg) The changing global environment. Oxford, 309-331

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